Le famiglie di Poggioreale, Sicilia
We have many hints as to who the people of Poggioreale were and what they were like.
For some of us, our first notion came from a personal relationship or recollection of a parent, grandparent or close family friend who was an immigrant from Poggioreale. As our circle of contacts grows, and we begin to share stories with other families whose relatives came from Poggioreale, we get to hear about their accomplishments and can quickly see similarities in their shared Sicilian ways and values. Today we can look to written accounts and historical books about Poggioreale that tell us even more about how our ancestors lived. Happiest of all, we can get to know present-day residents of Poggioreale through technology and social media inspired by sites like our Poggioreale in America. You have only to explore here if you want to expand your view of the Poggiorealesi people, then and now.
We hope to give you a great start here on these pages.
abbucatu: lawyer
acquaiolo: water supplier
adornista: decorator
agricoltore: farmer owner, manager
agrimensore: land surveyor
apprezzatore: appraiser
arte donnesca: women’s arts
avvocato: lawyer
banditore: auctioneer
barbiere: barber
becchino: gravedigger, undertaker
bordonaro: muleteer
borgese: middle-class townsman
bottaio: barrell-maker
bottegaio, bottegaro: shopkeeper
botteliere, botteliera: innkeeper
bracciale, bracciante: day laborer
bucciere: butcher
calzolaio: shoemaker
campagnolo, campagnuolo:
field hand
campiere: armed range guard
cansilettiera, canzelettiera:
socks seamstress
capraio, capraro: goatherd
cartalana: wool-carder
carrettiere: carter
carusu: mine-boy*
casalinga: housewife, housekeeper,
chiesiastrico: cleric, churchman
civile: upper-class citizen, civil
contadino: peasant sharecropper
cordaio, cordaro: rope maker
craparu: goatherd
crivaro, crivellaio, crivellatore:
cretaio, cretaro: potter
cucitrice: seamstress, often a
cursore: courier, messenger
donna di casa: housewife
falegname: cabinetmaker, carpenter
ferraro: blacksmith
ferrofabbro: blacksmith
filatrice, filandiera: spinner of thread
forense: lawyer
fruttivendolo: fruit vendor
fornaro: baker
giornaliere: day laborer
impiegato: servant, employee
industrioso: workman
levatrice: midwife
List of Sicilian and Italian Occupations
Many Sicilian civil records show an individual’s ‘professione’, ‘occupazione’ or ‘condizione’ (profession, occupation, condition or status). It is important to make note of these and understand them, as different persons may have the same names, but may be differentiated by their status. Common occupations were ‘agricoltore’, ‘campagnolo’, and ‘contadino’, all of which some researchers translate as ‘farmer’. That fails to reflect the actual condition or status of the individual. An ‘agricoltore’, sometimes called a ‘massaro’, was generally the owner or manager of a farm, someone we might call a ‘gentleman farmer’. A ‘campagnuolo’ was a ‘field hand’, hired by the ‘agricoltore’ for a day, week, or season’s work in the fields.
A ‘contadino’ was a peasant sharecropper (what might be called a ‘dirt farmer’), a class of landless workers who labored in the fields of a landlord (who was the landowner- farmer), not for wages but for an often meager share of the harvest. The system was a remnant of feudalism, which was 'officially' abolished in 1812, but whose grip on the poor and uneducated lasted into the 20th century. Clearly, there was a difference in status between these ‘condizioni’.
City dwellers also had class-distinctive descriptors for their condition: ‘civile’, possidente, ‘proprietario’, ‘borgese’, ‘villico’ and ‘volgare’. ‘Civile’ denoted an upper-class citizen, often a civil servant. 'Possidente' meant that the person was a land or property owner. A ‘proprietario’ was a proprietor of a business or a landlord, often also a property owner. A ‘borgese’ was a middle-class townsman. ‘Villico’ is interpreted by many to mean simply ‘villager’, but it would never be applied to upper- or middle-class village residents. Its meaning is closer to ‘peasant villager’. And ‘volgare’ denotes the vulgar or lowest class, that of ‘commoner’. Another descriptor that was used in civil records from the early 1880’s through 1860 was ‘regnicolo’: literally, ‘subject of the Realm’, meaning ‘subject of the Realm of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.’
Napoleonic-format civil records use a wealth of different ‘condizione’. Some are listed below, and you will note that many surnames ultimately were derived from a person’s occupation or condition. Most are shown in the Italian language, which is what was used in most civili records, even in Sicily. A few, like 'carusu' and 'scarparu' are in the Sicilian language.
The above are 'condizioni' that were found cited in Sicilian and Italian civil records of birth, marriage and death that were recorded during the 1800's and early
1900's. For a more complete list, including modern occupations, see Michael Lodico's page at
*carusu - caruso in Italian literally means 'dear boy', but was used extensively to indicate the job of mine-boys who carried raw sulfur ore out of the mine. The term will not be found in official records, however, because of the shameful treatment of the children and the lassez-faire attitude of civil and church officials over this practice
macellaio: butcher
maniscalco: blacksmith
manuale: day laborer
marinaio, marinaro: sailor
massaro: farm owner, manager
meccanico: mechanic, engineer
messo: messenger
molinaro: miller
mugnaio: miller
mularu: miller
muratore: stonemason,
wall builder
murifabbro: stonemason,
wall builder
notaro: notary
nutrice: wet-nurse
operaio: worker
ortolano: greengrocer
panettiere: baker
parroco: parish priest
pastaio: pasta maker
pastore: shepherd
pecoraio, pecoraro: shepherd
pescatore: fisherman
pescevendolo: fishmonger
pisnente: peasant
possidente: landowner
ragioniere: accountant
recivetrice (dei proietti): receiver
of foundlings
rotaia, rotara: foundling
wheel tender
ruotaia, ruotara: foundling
wheel tender
sarto: tailor
scarparu: shoemaker
sensale: broker, middleman”
stagnataio: tinker, solderer
tappezziere: upholsterer
tegolaio, tegolaro: maker of
roofing tiles
tessitore: male weaver
tessitrice: female weaver
trafficante: dealer, barterer
vaccaro: cattle herder
verdunaio: greengrocer
vetturale: liveryman
villanu: peasant sharecropper
villico: peasant villager
vitellaro: veal raiser or purveyor
volgare: commoner
zolfaio, zolfaro, zolfataio,
zolfataro: sulfur miner
zurfararu: sulfur miner